"If I met me now, I wouldn't know me."
-Carrie, Sex and the City.

*I post Jersey Shore gifs at least once a week. btdub... I can hear Pauly D in my head when I look at this one... it cracks me up.
(ooh young love... so delusional adorable.)
*I have a developing crush on the Beebs. It's true. His charm and cuteness have pulled me in, like the sirens pull in ships. Totally pit.i.ful. Did I mention that Taelye Joe currently wants a Justin Beiber bday party? Well she does... complete with a life size cutout. I'm not sure if she'll get one, but I kinda hope she does. However, I feel like she's starting the boy craziness a tad early.
*To add insult to injury, I bought this pair of jeggings from american eagle friday. I must admit, they are super comfortable and look good... but jeggings none the less. I'm going to just not call them by the word "jeggings," it's just a gross word.
*I have an obsession with older men... if you look my age, I'm not interested. IDK, but it's creepy.
I'm not sure what's happening to me... possibly an early quarter life crisis of some sort?
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