life list.

This is something that I have wanted to do for quite sometime. I have very long list of things that I want to do before I die. This is a list of many of those things, some are big, like going to foreign countries, while others are small silly things that I put on the list as continual encouragement to step out of my comfort zone.  As I think of more, I will add them, and as I complete them, I will record it, as well as blog about the particular experience. I'm not sure how this is going to go, but we'll see I suppose. These are in no particular order.

  1. Take a picture a day for an entire year.
  2. Visit the Frogmore and see Queen Victoria's and Prince Albert's grave.
  3. Read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
  4. Scuba Dive at the Great Barrier Reef.
  5. Photograph indigenous people in South America.
  6. Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Germany.
  7. Photograph Gaudi's architecture in Spain.
  8. Get a tattoo. 1/30/2011
  9. Discover Seattle. 3/16-20/2011
  10. Move to a new place.
  11. Visit Juneau.
  12. See Niagra Falls.
  13. Ski the Alps.
  14. Eat street food in New York City! Waffles in Brooklyn 4/2011
  15. Own my own business.
  16. Work for a non-profit organization.
  17. Make a new friend in a pub in Ireland.
  18. Buy a pair of Christian Louboutin Shoes.
  19. Start a charity or non-profit organization to raise awareness of Parkinson's Disease.
  20. Road trip through several states with a good friend.
  21. See American Gothic in Chicago.
  22. Eat pizza in Chicago.
  23. Do something spontaneous on this list.
  24. Drink espresso and eat macarons at a street cafe in Paris.
  25. Go to Mardi Gras.
  26. Attend a fashion show during fashion week.
  27. Learn how to make stained glass.
  28. Learn how to paint with oils.
  29. Lay on a beach in Greece.
  30. Visit Tibet.
  31. Go to Vietnam, eat lots of food.
  32. Adopt a child.
  33. Run a half marathon.
  34. Make my Granny's divinity, without her help.
  35. Keep a journal, try to write everyday for a year.
  36. Sew a quilt.
  37. Be a vegetarian for a month.
  38. See Berlin.
  39. Stomp grapes to make wine.
  40. Sing karaoke.
  41. Read through the Bible.
  42. Join a pilates/yoga studio.
  43. Spend a birthday in a foreign country.
  44. Turn a bowl out of wood, on a lathe.
  45. Ask a guy on a date.
  46. Make a pair of shoes.
  47. Bake cookies/cake for someone special for no reason.
  48. Sew a dress, that I designed, and will wear in public.
  49. Visit the Sistine Chapel.
  50. Buy something handmade from a flea market.
  51. Learn how to weave a basket.
  52. Teach a friend something. Sarah, Photography, NYC April 2011
  53. Stay up all night watching the stars.
  54. Apply for a job that I want regardless of whether I'm qualified or not.
  55. See the New Seven Wonders of the World.
    1. Machu Picchu, Peru
    2. Great Wall of China
    3. Taj Mahal, India
    4. Chicheitza, Mexico
    5. Christ Redeemer, Brazil
    6. Coloseum, Italy
    7. Petra, Jordan
  56. Also see the finalists for the New Seven Wonders of the World.
  57. Tour a Scottish Castle.
  58. Eat fish and chips in England.
  59. Catch a fish.
  60. Spend a day (or 2) in the Louvre.
  61. Drink Brennivin in Iceland.
  62. Work/Volunteer in a museum.
  63. Get my masters degree.
  64. Photograph Bali.
  65. Have my own darkroom and enlarger in my house.
  66. Go on a vacation by myself, and relax.
  67. Ride a gondola in Venice.
  68. Witness an inauguration of a president.
  69. Begin a year in one place, move around for a year, and end in new place.
  70. Show my nieces a new place.
  71. Visit every state in the United States.
    1. Texas - I LIVE HERE. DUH.
    2. Washington - March 2011
    3. New York - April 2005, June 2006, April 2011
  72. Stay in a hostile.
  73. Ride a camel.
  74. Go to Egypt, see the pyramid of Giza.
  75. Throw a quarter into the Trevi Fountain.
  76. Scuba dive with sharks.
  77. Photograph 100 faces.
  78. Go to Coachella.
  79. Visit the Van Gogh Museum in Austria.
  80. Tour Versailles.
  81. Tour a Concentration Camp.
  82. Walk across Abbey Road in London.
  83. Attend Glastonbury.
  84. Learn to play chess.
  85. Plank over the dividing line between the old East and West Berlin.