
this weekend.

  • mild meltdowns due to all my belongings being unorganized and condensed from an entire apartment to a 12x12 room.
  • friday night dinner with the bestie and her hubby.
  • one wedding... reminding me why i don't really like weddings in general.
  • a birthday party in which i drank too much and made a fool of my self... possibly resulting in not drinking for a looong time.
  • embarrassing texts regards the aforementioned party.
  • a good, but hungover fathers day celebration complete with kentucky fried chicken extra crispy chicken legs, mashed potatoes, and buttered biscuits.
  • a retirement party for the preacher at my church.
  • an awkward run-in with the ex at the aforementioned retirement party.
  • seeing one really good friend on the road to recovery after chemo and another really good friend not looking too great due to a dysfunctional liver.
bittersweet. that's the only word to describe this weekend.

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