I have begun the treacherous, or not so treacherous, but really very fun, process of cleaning out my Facebook friends. I've had a Facebook for over 5 years and obviously, there are people on my friends list that I met freshman year that I haven't spoke to since freshman year... Anyways, it's weird because there are a few, and by a few I really mean a lot, of people that I will delete and then they request to be my friend again like the next day.
I don't know why this happens...
Am I just that interesting that people immediately realize that I'm not popping on their news feeds anymore and they can no longer stalk me?
It's an odd mixture of creepy and flattering. It's nice to know people care, but also just weird because most of the people are not any of my good friends, or even real friends at all.
Don't get me wrong, I creep with the best of them, but there are a lot of people that I might 'know' but would never friend request them. Thank you Facebook, for disregarding social boundaries, making it ok to be nosey and creepy, and for making copious* amounts of private thoughts that should never leave your mind public. We appreciate you.
*copious... look at me using big words.
Also this status was on my News Feeds this morning:
'Someone save me from the bordum of san angelo'
This was posted around 3:00 am.
First of all, go to bed. There's never anything to do at 3:00 am unless you're in Vegas.
Secondly, boredom. Not a hard word. If in doubt, use spell check.
/end rant
moving on...
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