

day 17 - someone you would want to switch lives with for a day and why

Wow. When I first read this, so many people crossed my mind, but after some thought, I've decided.

First, Meryl Streep.
This lady. She is amazing. She's beuatiful, she's talented, she can sing. She's over 50 and she's got the goods. Obviously, I've never met her, so I don't know what she's like, but she sure seems pretty amazing. The woman has. it. going. on. End of story.

Secondly, Queen Victoria.
She took the thrown at age 18, and has had a lasting affect on her country. She was an advocate of the arts, and a all around beautiful soul, from what I've read. She fell in love and married her sweetheart, something many monarchs cannot brag about. The definition of class, I'm sure her achievements were the result of much hard work, but I would love to experience that. Just for a day... to walk outside and be admired, and know that every decision I make is going to affect the entire population of my country. The latter being why I would only want to do that for a day.

Lastly, my neices.
To be a kid again... how wonderful. To be carefree and worryless. They live life to the fullest, and have true innocence, something I feel like I lost a long time ago. The world is so black and white to them, so simple. The biggest problem they have in a day is possibly peeing their pants... and it's not like they get made fun of for it because their friends do it too. Oh man, to be a kid again. love.

1 comment:

t.turney said...

ahhh. yes. all of them. maybe we could make a hybrid person-combine all four of those ladies and make a beautiful super woman. one who commands audiences and speaks truth with regality and the simple air of uninhibited freedom... but maybe minus the whole pee-pants thing. brings back harsh memories. ;)