

...thats eighteen in Yiddish.
I love google translate. :)

day 18 - plans/dreams/goals you have.

I plan on graduating in December, moving out, hopefully away, and growing up a little. Most people say that moving away isn't all it's cracked up to be, but most people get to move off and go to college. Most people leave home at 18. Most people move out before they're 22. I'd like to think that at age 22, I'm capable of supporting myself a little bit better than most 18 year olds. I'd like to think that I'm a tad bit more responsible than most 18 year olds. So to those who think that moving out/away is a mistake... I say "Suck it. I don't want to hear it."
Where to I plan on moving you might ask... There are several possibilities, but right now I'm thinking about Denton. Why Denton, you might ask... because that's where UNT is. I'm hoping that this time next year I will be enrolled at University of North Texas, taking Art History classes and loving every minute of it.

1. Grauate in December.
2. Go to UNT.
3. Graduate with my Masters in Art History.
4. Get a fabulous job at a museum or gallery, and spend my days surrounded by beautiful art and wonderful people.

Spend a significant amount of time in Europe, studying or just exploring. This is one thing that I must do before I die. Get married to wonderful man, who loves me, and shares some of the same dreams I do. Like my fourth goal, I want to spend my days surrounded by beautiul art, wonderful friends, and my family. More than anything, I want to look back in 20 years and have no regrets, and know that I've done everything that I wanted to do. I also want to know, that my goals and dreams only changed because of what I wanted, not because of someone else. I want to be able to say that I have lived my life to the fullest, and made the most of situation, and every circumstance, that I exceeded everyone's expectations, that I did everything I could to make my dreams come true.

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