
blackberry = yousuckberry**

i hate my blackberry... you probably know this if you have ever been around me for longer than about -2 seconds. it's such a peice, it never works right, it times out and i miss calls, don't get texts, the screens cracked, the side panel is coming off... i could go on, and on, and on, and on...

but the good news is, i get to start carrying the iPhone that I have for Germany now! Go me!

So basically, I'm telling you this to brag, but more importantly, so that when/if you get a text or call from a strange number, there's a good chance it's me, and even more importantly, there's probably going to be an onslaught of instagram/cell pics on the blog because now i finally can take good cell pics!

today's a good day.

**title censored for small children, or prude adults, either way.

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