

This weekend I got some much needed downtime, with the exception of Friday night, that is. I went with mom and the neices to the circus. I had never been before, so I felt it was definitely something I should do. However, my sentiment now is, "I've seen one, now I never have to go again." The performances were excellent, but not something I want to go see everyday.

Saturday night, I stayed at the apartment, cooked dinner and watched movies...

You might recall this post when you see this poster. I confess... I went to see this movie in the theater with Taylor and two guys. The guys didn't like it so we left. I'm not going to pretend I was into it, but I wish I would've finished it. Tamura told me I should give it another shot, so I did. Apparently, we walked out right before it picked up. This was an exceptional movie, guys. Seriously, not only just how Facebook started, but learning about Mark Zuckerberg, all the people involve, the behind the scenes stories. It was definitely a win, definitely. On the same note, there is definitely a target audience for this movie... if you're not part of the Facebook generation I don't think you should bother. It would also be a shame not to mention Mr. Andrew Garfield and his preppy good looks. That hair...

I saw this in the theater, as well, with Taylor. On the contrary, we loved it!! Drew Barrymore and Justin Long have excellent chemistry, and they are both hilarious. Warning: Crude, very crude, humor. Like seriously crude. And there's drug use. Sooo... you decide.

Sunday... wow, totally laziness. Went to church, then lunch, then napped at the rents, then went to Granny's with mom and stayed for almost 2 hours, then came back to the rents, went swimming, drank wine, had breakfast for dinner, spent the night because I was too lazy to drive home at 10:30. Good Times.

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