

Obviously, boys are on my mind alot. That sounds funny... but seriously, recently I've had several conversations with girls and guys alike, all regarding guys - their behavior, what's acceptable in relationships, porn, etc.

Guys are interesting creatures... I'm sure they say the same about girls and that's fine, but I do think that we have compeletely different logic on most issues. We think about things differently. I recently read this article in Marie Claire about bachelor parties. It recounts several guys stories of their bachelor parties, or a friend's. The one thing that upset me the most was this: "You're only visiting a strip club when a guy gets dumped or engaged."

You have got to be joking... it's really scary that he just compared getting married to breaking up. This is unacceptable. You cannot tell me that these guys actually believe that this 'rite of passage' into marriage is celebrated with sleeping with a hooker. You want to have a night out with the guys, I'm totally ok with. I want a night with my girls every now and then, but there are boundaries. There are still rules, and the rules apply even when your are drinking, the night before you get married, the rules apply everyday and you don't get a 'hall pass' for special occasions. Furthermore, I read an article in Comso (I couldn't find it to post the link) that discussed guys watching porn. Basically it mentioned that as girlfriends, fiancees, and wives we should just accept the fact that the men we love are going to watch porn, and there is nothing that we can do about, we should just deal. NO! NO! NO! I will not put up with it. What is with this generation of guys... that think that they can get away with anything? I don't even want to start on the fact that the mainstream media continually condones these ideas and feeds these unbelievable truths to our young girls.

Porn is cheating, so is going to a strip club, and so is sleeping with or even kissing someone when you're drunk. It's all the same, it's all disrespectful, and it's all just plain rude. I've had several guys insinuate to me recently that if you're drunk then cheating on your girlfriend isn't nearly as bad. Maybe guys have been like this for generations. If so, I guess I might be single forever. We, as women, are constantly disrespected and then led to believe that we are stupid for feeling angry or insecure about it. This is not how relationships are meant to be.

My faith in humanity is slipping... espeically the part of humanity that has a penis.

file under: My apologies, I have no idea where this rant came from.

1 comment:

Skavoovie said...

Bedina -- you're totally justified in your expectations. Sounds like the problem is (not to diss on any friends or anything) the kind of guys you're asking -- and certainly you can expect sources like Cosmo to not only say porn is ok, or even outright condone it and suggest you should join in. Your response is right -- "No, no, no!" Just because the world says it's ok doesn't mean it's ok.

Don't use the world as your barometer. Life's truths are not relative, and neither is the pack-mentality make something truth. The answers the world offers will always be perversions and twistings of the truth.

Stick to your guns chica -- there are guys out there who agree that all those statements are a load of bull. Those guys are going to have to start with a different heart condition -- one in Christ.

That heart condition will among other things, reshape their values to something far greater and more special with a very special woman -- something greater than porn, titty bars, and hookers.