
To recap what I would call a rather successful weekend:

Pool and Beer definitely happened with my momma.
It was wonderful.

There was a wedding at the rents house.
Considering it was 111 degrees at  5:00 pm, the whole thing went off without a hitch.
Although, I would prefer to avoid the disgustingly hot weather. I was sweating my face off (literally).

I drove to Austin to pick up the HSLP.
There was Free Birds, Jamba, Hula Hut, Buffalo Exchange, and 6th Street.
There was also, only 3.5 hours of sleep, drunk dials, and conversations about Gingers.

Me and Tamura ate some wonderful kirby lane, drove home, went to visit my rents, and then I delivered her to her momma. Incidentally, there was a party at my house... involving 6 immature adults, a leftover keg of blue moon from the wedding, Wii Bowling, and very inapropro conversation.

and to sum it all up....
I walked into the office looking something like this:

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