
those moments when you're not sure if someone is kidding or not.

Me: Automatic Fire Protection
Customer: Is this Marty?
Me: I'm sorry?
C: Is this Marty?
M: Would you like to speak to Marty?
C: Yes, is he available?
M: He's actually not here right now. Can I take a message?
C: No, that's ok. Do you know when he'll be back?
M: I'm not totally sure, but I would guess in about an hour.
C: Ok, great. I'll call back...You just kinda sounded like a Marty.
M: Ooh, ok.
C: Ok, thanks.
M: /slams the phone down

I sound like a 55 year old man?! 
Come at me bro... I'm about to teach what kind of verbal abuse you can get from a girl that sounds (supposedly) like a 55 year old man.

i don't even....

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