
oh wow.

Sometimes I wonder, no, I know, that I could be one of the most awkward people, well, possibly ever.

Friday I met a guy that I've had several people tell me I need to meet (and have told him, too.). Seriously, two different people know us both and have wanted us to meet. What are the odds.

I went.
I met.
I blushed uncontrollably.
I awkward silenced. (yes, that's a verb)
I left.

the end.

I think part of it is the pressure of being told you'r perfect for each other. It's like the whole thing is doomed before it begins.
One day, I will find a man (hopefully) that will find my weird and awkward personality endearing, until then, I just feel sorry for all the guys that are forced to endure it.

file under: I survived the rapture... awkwardness lives to see another day.

1 comment:

Jared said...

Hey I witnessed it all and you did just fine! I didn't notice you blushing. He doesn't care anyway. You should call him. :)