First things first... some things I love!
The Giving Tree macbook decal.
I must have this!
Best. Perfume. Ever.
Perfect size, with a laptop sleeve, and the canvas-ness!
The Sartorialist and Facehunter.
I want to be a street fashion photographer. Seriously!
Now for a quick ridiculous story:
I still can't believe this actually happened, craziest situation ever. I was at Dillard's shopping on my lunch break because Dillard's is having a HUGE shoes sale, and extra 40% off already marked down items, it's lovely. but I digress, I was in between the shoe racks looking at what they have in my size and found a super cute pair of ankle boot wedges. Adorable. So i decide to try them on. I get the left shoe, slide my foot in and realize there is a sharp object gouging into my heel. I put my finger in there to feel it and see if I can try to slide my foot out without anymore pain. IT REALLY HURT! BAD! After almost falling over (several times) I manage to get my foot out, now complete with a scratched cut sliced heel. I look into the shoe and there is a metal, sharp object poking into the shoe directly from the back, without thinking to look at my foot to see the damage, I walk to over show the sales lady (that's chatting with her friend about a birthday lunch date and taking far too long to acknowledge my presence). She looks at the shoe and is able to pull out a nail. A NAIL!! What the hell... I don't even... How in the world?? This crap would happen to me... I look down at my foot, that is bleeding, and have a minor panic attack. The lady asks if I want to file a report? I'm like, "no, that's ok, but I'll take a free pair of shoes." (while uttering minor curse words under my breath)
Needless to say, she can't do that. I probably have tetanus (I never would've guess that was how you spell that word), I didn't get any new shoes, my foot hurts, I have an 1 1/2 in long cut right below my achilles, and my usual high from retail therapy is instantly shot to hell. Thanks a lot Dillard's, for ruining my lunch shopping trip. BOO!
And did I mention, I called to tell my mom, who FREAKED OUT and immediately asked if I should go get a shot! Poor thing, she's just worried about me. We did come to the conclusion that I had my last tetanus shot in high school. To top it off, I had to use tape to keep the bandaid on my heal because it's like trying to keep one on your knee, totally unsuccessful.
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