*I have a new crush on Mark Wahlberg via The Fighter.
those abs... those. abs.
*I'm in dire need of some cute wide leg (possibly high-waisted) jeans.
to go with some super cute 4-in clogs my mom bought me.
*Sometimes, I laugh out loud in my apartment, by myself. Like seriously laugh (hard) at the TV.
*Usher dancing at the Super Bowl.
Yes. Please. Thank you.
And here's the rant:
Please, don't take this the wrong way. These are just my personal opinions on a certain situation.
I have a friend, that recently got married. This weekend I got to see her for the first time and actually sit down and talk. About life, marriage, etc. This could have been the most awkward conversation of my life. Let me explain... If you know me very well, you probably know that I'm picky about men and I'd like to think that I have a certain independence. I've done the whole 'dependent relationship' thing, not fun... and I never want to go through that again. With that being said, I definitely have certain particular expectations about how I want my married life to be. God willing I get married. I would like to marry a man that is capable of housework, not that I want him to do it all... but I will NOT be Mrs. Suzie Homemaker. I will NOT cook every meal... I will NOT do all of the housework... I will NOT do all of the laundry. Is it too much to ask that chores be split. You cook, I'll do the dishes. You do a load of laundry, I'll vacuum. I want a roommate, someone I enjoy being around, someone I love, a best friend. I don't want to constantly fuss or be a mom. I know I will get joy out of doing some of these things for my husband, just because I love him. But that's not what I'm referring to, I'm talking about these things being duties. Your duty as a wife is to... (fill in the blank).
With that being said, this particular friend of mine had nothing to say about marriage besides all the things I just previously mentioned. Like it's her duty. I understand the whole "wives submit to your husband" bit. I do. But there has to be a balance. You're existence on earth can not be defined by your husband. If you weren't married you would be nobody. You would lose your identity. It makes me sad because I feel like this is a common trend among young Christian girls. These are incidentally the same girls that "hunt" for their future husbands. The only person that should complete you is God, and technically, he's not a person. You should be complete in yourself before you should even think about sharing every part of your life with someone else.
For someone with zero experience in the world of marriage, I sure have a lot of opinions. It may be naive, but this is a pattern I've watched so many fall into. If I turn into one of these girls, please slap me. And slap me hard, maybe more than once.
1 comment:
1) yumm. marky mark.
2) gap. seriously. and they're having a sale now--maybe online too?
3) is that weird? do it all the time.
4) usher got the beat to make my booty go... psshhh. love.
5) preach. my thoughts are right there with you... and in all honesty, the guys did not fall in love with these gals for their wifely abilities... because they weren't wives when they met. so essentially they are married to someone they didn't plan on marrying. and that is a recipe for disaster. add that one to the cookbook.
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