

...it's just another manic monday. tuesday.
Tuesday is the new monday apparently.

I did something on my life list!

Number 8 to be exact.

drum roll......

I got my first tattoo. I actually got it on January 30th, in Austin, but I hadn't told my dad until recently two days ago. It's a red tulip on the inside of my upper arm. To be honest, I hadn't planned on this being the first tattoo I got, but I'm so happy I did it. I have no regrets. A picture will come soon!

It hurt!! BAD!! I didn't really think that it would hurt quite that bad, but surprisingly I'm kinda ready for #2. It's strange, like a hurt so good sort of thing. Ok, that's weird, but it's the truth. Don't worry, there won't be a second one for a while.

post script-
If the next time you see me I have no hair, it's because I pulled it out.
The phone has not stopped ringing all day. It's been ringing 2 lines at a time. I'm about to go crazy...


Amber said...

How exciting! Congrats! I've heard from some people that they don't hurt at all, from some that it hurts really bad, and from others it depends on where you get it on your body.

Hope you don't actually pull out your hair, lol!

Olivia Juliann Crabtree said...

I just got my second tat the other day! Congrats :) It's a fun process. I can't wait to see a picture!


Lauri Anne said...

I wanna see!