
here's the deal.

So I'm going to try to start doing something a little different. I'm going to try, try being the key word here, to list, every Friday, 7 things that make me happy or that I'm particularly thankful for this week. Here goes nothing...

1. Playtime with the neices.
They both have their own little sense of humor, it's adorable!

2. Finding an apartment.That's right, as of January 28th, I will have a new address.

3. Skype.Praise the Shepard webcams were invented, so I can not only talk, but see my best friends that are more than several states away.

4. These posters.
I definately want one, or two, maybe three, for my new place.

5. Buttermilk pie

6. Eating lunch with my mom and her good friend, while contemplating George Strait's ass, Matthew McConaughey's abs, and John Mayer's weird sex life.

7. Coco Chanel Mademoiselle
It. Smells. So. Good.

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