
Once again, another friend is off to the airport, to board a plane, and fly more than several states away. Over 1500 miles driving, to be exact.

Once again, I'm left here, in San Angelo, TX. To do my thing, move out, work and constantly pine for those who are dear to me that are in different states.

Once again, I have an empty feeling, fleeting feeling, of wondering.

Wondering, where do I go from here?

Wondering, how do I move on, how do I make the best of my less than desirable situation?

Then, something extraordinary happens. I get that text, that call, that comment on Facebook that brings me back to reality.

I realize, the feelings are mutual. I'm not alone in my lonely world.

Relationships can be maintained in one way or another across a wide range of miles. It is possible, I am not alone.