HOLY MOLY!! Starbucks is coming out with a Trenta, bigger than a venti. 31 oz of coffee, in one cup. That's alot of coffee.
Now onto more important, or less important, things...
My lack of interesting/important blogs should be a hint as to how boring my life is as of late.
I always felt like after graduation life would be so much fun. I would just work and then get to play. However, I miss interacting with people my age at school, I miss learning, I miss talking about History and Europe in seventeenth/eighteenth century, taking notes, the smell of ink and notebook paper.
I do NOT, however, miss parking, taking tests, dealing with construction on campus, writing papers, or learning spanish.
Can I just find a good paying, fun job already?! I'm willing to compromise on the good paying part... geez world, throw me a freakin bone.
OMG! Im kind of excited about the Trenta! And I'm not even a huge fan of starbucks.
um... welcome to my life...
wish there could be a fair warning before we got here, but we just roll on.
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