
day 22 -

 what makes you different from everyone else.

It's interesting, we always say, "No two people are exactly alike." However, do I have one quality that nobody else has. What makes me, me? I'm not sure that I have an answer to that question. Yes, my experiences and my life to this point have made me who I am today, but what makes me different from everyone else? I don't know. I don't have the slightest clue. I know that there are only a few people in this world that understand me. There's only a few people that understand why I am the way I am. There's only a few that understand what makes me tick, what effects me, why I am me.

Which makes me wonder, do I understand myself? Do I fully understand why I act the way I do, what makes me tick? The answer, No. Abosolutely not. Identity has always been something I've struggled with. My actions in the past have not been what I would like for them to be, which has made me believe that I not who I want to be. I have been, in the past, so quick to judge others, that I have began to judge myself. I don't feel that that is as much the case now, as it has been in the past, but it still has some truth, nonetheless.
(Wow, I changed tenses no less than 50 million times in those few sentences)

I have my own ideas, and don't care what people think, but thats not unique, those things were the typical hippy ideals. So, what makes me different from everyone else? I don't have an answer. Maybe you can think of something, and if you do please, do tell.

Until tomorrow,

1 comment:

t.turney said...

You hit it hard, heavy and hit it fast everytime... something that many people don't know how to do.

You continue to explore new things, new possibilities, new ideas... even if just to simply explore.

You have not become a cynic and hopefully never will.

Those are things that are definitely different.