
It's been a while...

Since I posted about movies.
I watch too many movies. End. Of. Story.
Too bad I'm not really concerned.

Let me just say, instant Netflix is the BOMB, dot com.
Here's a few that I've watched lately:

1. Bella.
Eduardo Verastegui and Tammy Blanchard.
It's an indie film. Probably one of the best movies I've watched in a long time. It's a very realistic storyline, and has somewhat of an unexpected ending. It's probably one of my favorite movies now. It also makes me want to be a part of a Latino family...

2. 500 Days of Summer.
Joseph Gordan-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel.
I love to hate it. Wath it and you'll know why.
But seriously, I would recommend it. Completely unexpected.

3. Love Story.
Yes, the old one from 1970 with Ryan O'Neal and Ali MacGraw.
I could live the rest of my life and never watch this movie again. It's so sad, and has an unresolved ending. No, thanks. I'll stick to my unrealistic predictable movies. I will say that I love Ali MacGraw's character, I see alot of myself in her.

4. Elizabeth: The Golden Age.
Cate Blanchett.
I love history, and I love historical movies, so this was right up my alley. However, if you don't, i would say you shouldn't watch this. It's long, and somewhat hard to follow unless you're very interested.

5. Young Victoria
Emily Blunt and Rupert Friend.
This is right up there with Bella. I absolutely adore this movie. Not your typical historical movie because it has a good ending. The landscape, the wardrobe, the cast... it was all wonderful. Watch it. Seriously. Go rent it now.

New series : Weeds.
It's crude. It's funny. It's dramatic. It inappropriate.
I LOVE IT. Seriously, it makes my top 5 favorite TV shows.

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