

...thats nine in vietnamese.
google translate, ILOVEYOU.

day 9 - something I'm proud of in the past two days.

This was convicting... I'm your typical glass-half-empty person, and I don't generally think about things that I'm proud of, or happy about. However, last week I aced a quiz in my Judicial Proces and Behaviors class. That's a big deal for me mostly because I generally don't do my homework or read unless I know there's a test, but this time, I read and there was a pop quiz!

Also, since beginning this little venture, I have been very good about capitalization and punctuation on my blog. :)

1 comment:

t.turney said...

mad props friend! if I were sitting by you I would toast you with whatever beverage I had reach. So for now I will toast you with my toffee nut coffee. "Here's to you, Christanky, for reaching goals of the unknown and not caving under the pressure of academia. You are a scholar."

love you.