

day 13 - a letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

For the first time in a long time, no body has hurt me recently. I will say that in recent years, I have learned that Elenor Roosevelt was very correct when she said "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent." If you don't let poeple hurt you, you won't get hurt. If you feel like nobody loves you, maybe you need new people in your life. At some point you must ask yourself, "Do I need this person in my life that's hurting me?" Granted, I'm not talking about a best friend who snapped at you because she was PMSing... this is repeat offenders. I'm sure this challenge wasn't talking about repeat offenders, but if it's a one-time thing, then it doesn't need to be addressed on blogger. just saying...

I'm probably the world's worst about playing the victim. For the longest time, it was always people hurting me, never the other way around. If I hurt someone, it was obviously because they hurt me first. I'm not perfect, but i have learned that that is no excuse to retaliate. Not to mention, stress and drama just take years off your life. I've been basically drama free for the last year, and this has probably been the best year of my life. I've made new friends, been boy free, and learned from my mistakes. I don't want to give the illusion that I don't have problems, and I don't get my feelings hurt, but there's no point in dwelling on it. There's no point in having people in your life that make you feel like you're not important, or you don't matter. I've branched out, made new friends, surrounded myself with people that care about me, that are there for, that challenge me to be better. I truly believe that that is the biggest reason why I'm at the place I'm in now.

and that's that.

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