
100-94= SIX.

day 6 - your favorite superhero and why.

I have been waiting, somewhat impatiently for this one. I love all superheroes! Really, I do. I love that they always have a love interests and I love that they're always rescuing people in general. I think I secretly want to be rescued, especially a superhero. It was tough to pick just one. I like Batman, but the whole bat thing kind of grosses me out, especially in Batman begins when he was actually in a Bat Cave. Thats nasty. Bats are nasty. I really like Wolverive, but all that hair... NO THANKS! Spiderman was a close runner-up, but I'm not much of a Toby McGuire fan, and like it or not, the people who play superheroes in movies really makes a difference in your opinion of these things.

So, the winner is... IRONMAN (probably no surprise to any of you.)

Here's 7 reasons why I Love Ironman:
  • He's a super hero because he's a genius. Not because he was born with a genetic flaw or got bit by a bug. Yes, I know thats how Batman is, but Bats. Gross.
  • I love that he has major personality flaws... he's the epitome of narcissism, but for some reason I find it endearing. Like Chuck Bass... if you watch Gossip Girl.
  • He's extremely wealthy. Judge me if you must, but I want man that can take care of me.
  • The red and gold suit. I like. :)
  • Pepper Pots. How adorable are they together? I wish I could be her.
  • Robert Downey Jr., I know he's old. I don't care. He is one sexy man.
  • He's reckless.

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