

so i recently bought a membership for netflix.... can you say absolutely AMAZING!! for 13.99 a month you get two movies out at time, with no late fees. i've already watched 4 in about two weeks. its so nice, they each come with their own prepaid envelope to send them back. so here's what i've watched so far...

i'm only renting movies that i havent ever seen.

this could've been the best movie i've seen in a long time. amy adams is great! it's a classic cinderella. but the thing i loved the most about it was how clean it was. it really was just a great feel good movie, with no bad content at all. to add to all its greatness, patrick dempsey is in it. gotta love mcdreamy!

the duchess is based on the true story of the duchess of devonshire. kiera knightly played the part excellently. unlike enchanted, this is not a feel good story. there's no fairy tale ending... but overall i loved it! the wardrobe was amazing. and there was true emotion in every seen. you can feel the emotions of the characters through the actors.

ok, this movie was just downright HILARIOUS! first of all, johnny depp is so young, but really handsom. the premise of the story is somewhat stupid. but you can't help but laugh. i'm still trying to figure out exactly how i feel about it. regardless, you can't help but fall in love with that one tear rolling down his cheek. haha

i must admit, i wasn't expecting much when i started this movie. it has some really great actresses in it, but the reviews weren't that good. it definately exceeded expectations though. its just a movie about life. the four friends are really close but they each have their own problems. its definately one i want to own.

i also went to go see the second night at the museum at the theater. it was really great, alot like the first one. there's so many wonderful actors in it for it to not be good. there's alot of new actors: amy adams is great...she plays amelia earhart. bill hader is hysterical has general custer. my favorite character of the movie was al capone...mostly because he was black and white the whole time.

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