so yesterday (sunday), me, taylor, and greg all decided to go float the river in junction...what should have been a relaxing fun trip turned into this::
1. got on the road late.
we planned on leaving no later than 11:15 after sunday school. however, because greg's a late sleeper and i talk too much we didn't leave until 12:15.
2. got lost.
really?! how do you get lost going to junction?? you dont take the turn on 83 after menard. we almost went all the way to mason, before thinking "something doesn't look right" and then saw a sign pointing left ot junction. that was an extra 40 miles to drive.
3. almost died of starvation.
we didn't eat before we left because we were going to eat in junction. so lunch didn't happen til 230.
4. floaty went flat.
by the time we floated back to the low water crossing my mat was barely holding me up... therefore keeping us from floating anymore.
5. sunburn.
no explanation besides, IT HURTS.
these five things along with a few other quirks that can't be mentioned caused the entire trip to be an EPIC FAIL. the worst river trip in history.
1 comment:
yeah...doesn't look like I missed much!
Hope the next time goes least there will be plenty of hot days to come!
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