
is this really spring?

living in west texas, i'm not sure that i've ever really experienced the season of spring as everyone else in the world has. but whatever "season" this is i don't like it. it's absolutely awful. when i left the house this morning at 7:45 it was 29 degrees outside. it is now currently 76 degrees!!! thats almost a 50 degree increase! and get this...the low tonight is 48 and the high tomorrow is 90! i mean seriously... this is ridiculous. how do you dress for this kind of temperature change?? sweaters in the morning and shorts in the afternoon. since i have to walk outside on campus, i can't dress for the afternoon weather or i would freeze! i HATE it.

it better be warm on Easter because i have a cute new dress that i want to wear! (unfortunately i don't have a picture)

1 comment:

Lauri Anne said...

Im gonna freeze in my Easter dress too :(